
The objective of our study is to identify the population and context we would develop the project for. We were looking at the tech opportunities to solve the potential problems with social impacts.

Idea Exploration

👇 Click to see our 80 ideas


Ideation Process

Our team utilized the 10x10 matrix, lateral thinking, and IDEO techniques during the ideation process. These design methods, along with our personal experiences, observations, and connecting various design concepts, resulted in over 80 design ideas. The 10x10 matrix proved to be the most impactful, allowing us to expand our thinking through 10 dimensions both horizontally and vertically, leading to the creation of innovative and promising ideas by linking different dimensions.


Selection Process

Each data collection method that was used is described in this section:

The most helpful one is demand analysis and associate interviews. These two tell use which product has more demand and possibilities in order for us to make the final choice

Contextual Inquiry

After reviewing some other ideas that were left on the cutting room floor, we realized that our team wanted to follow this potential and uncover what other deeper problems we could solve with this product, and at this time, contextual inquiry interviews seemed appropriate. Our team decided on interviewing at least 2 people per idea, and a maximum of 4 if available within the time frame. Our key goals with this interview were to understand the underlying factors surrounding these ideas which were essentially shots in the dark, attempting to solve these problems.And then we finally decided to choose the period tracking application.