
Appearance: The chosen design is a potted plant with an LCD monitor and pedals.

System components: The product is composed of a emotion-sensing unit on wearables, a multi-device app, and an interactive plant.

Interface types: The LCD monitor can display and provide visual content, allowing for touch-based interaction.

                      System diagram of our final product

                  System diagram of our final product

Our product, TranquiBloom, features the followings.

  1. Emotion Tracking

TranquilBloom aims to track users' emotional changes and thus creates brand-new insights and triggers the interactions. The current emotion tracking technologies are based on machine learning on the dataset of people’s psychological data, facial expression, voice tones, etc [1, 2]. However, emotion tracking is still under academic research and not commercial yet. TranquiBloom is a futuristic product that can be realized when the emotion tracking technology is accurate in real time and affordable.

  1. Context Intelligence

TranquilBloom uses the emotion data it collects to listen to users’ frustrations, recommend strategies to improve mood, and help accomplish work tasks.

  1. Expressive Mechanics

Using responsive movements, our product responds to users’ emotions, and feels alive.

  1. Customizability

Our product is designed to be customizable for every woman’s unique and ever-changing emotional needs. We acknowledge that the interaction patterns need personalization based on user personas and contextual accommodations. For example, some users prefer that the tech expresses empathy, while some other users prefer that the interfaces keep positive always. The interactions also need change when users are in different environments such as at home and at office.

[1] Kaur, J., Batra, N., & Goyal, S. (2019). SmartEmoDetect: An IoT Based Emotion Monitoring Wearable Technology for Drivers. J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci16, 1-5.

[2] Onix-Systems. (2019, February 13). Emotion-sensing technology in the internet of things. Medium. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from https://onix-systems.medium.com/emotion-sensing-technology-in-the-internet-of-things-b186eb07fc5d

